Math Kangaroo

Mathematical Kangaroo (also known as International Mathematical Kangaroo, or Kangourou sans frontieres in French) is an international mathematical competition held across 92 countries in the world.

The students from class 1 to class 12 can participate in the exam. Test is blend of knowledge of formulas and logical combination of concepts. Exam paper is consists of multiple-choice questions for students of all school levels. Students will requires imagination, basic computational skills, logical thinking and other problem solving strategies to solve the questions.

Students from Sweden first took part in 1999 and by 2011, 860,000 students from 9,000 schools took part in Germany, having grown rapidly from 549,000 in 2007. Slowly, other countries started participated in the exam and India participated for the first time in 2019 under the banner of International Olympiad Academy.


  • Students learn to analyse and solve the problem through basic computational skills and logical thinking
  • Exposure to competitive exams at international level


Categories School Level Number of Questions Maximum Time Maximum Score
Pre Ecolier 1 Class 1 24 90 min 96
Pre Ecolier 2 Class 2 24 90 min 96
Ecolier 1 Class 3 24 90 min 96
Ecolier 2 Class 4 24 90 min 96
Benjamin 1 Class 5 30 90 min 120
Benjamin 2 Class 6 30 90 min 120
Cadet 1 Class 7 30 90 min 120
Cadet 2 Class 8 30 90 min 120
Junior 1 Class 9 30 90 min 120
Junior 2 Class 10 30 90 min 120
Student 1 Class 11 30 90 min 120
Student 2 Class 12 30 90 min 120

Exam Format

  • Each question contains five Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) based options.
  • Students applying directly at Math Kangaroo can take only online exam. If school is participating then both offline and online exam is available.
  • For students who have registered for offline exam, the exam will be conducted by the designated contact person at the student’s school. Student can carry only pencils, pens, erasers, rulers, and other geometrical instruments are allowed during the exam.
  • For each incorrect answer, 1 point will be deducted. There is no penalty for skipping a question.
  • Students in Pre Ecolier-1 and Pre Ecolier-2 will appear for the same test paper but will be ranked separately. The same rule applies for Ecolier-1 & 2; Benjamin-1 & 2; Cadet- 1&2; Junior-1 & 2 and Student-1 & 2.
  • The first-round perfect scorer will appear in the Final round of competition.

Scoring System

Scoring system is as per below table

For each incorrect answer, 1 point will be deducted. There is no penalty for skipping a question.


  • Top 5% of the students will be awarded Gold medals; next 10% of the students will be awarded silver medals, and next 10% of the students will be awarded bronze medals. All students receiving the medals will be presented with merit certificates. Remaining students will receive a participation or appreciation certificate.
  • Only an e-certificate will be given for appreciation and participation.
  • Student scoring the perfect score will appear for the final round of competition. Students scoring higher than 95% in the final round shall receive a Perfect Score Award, a Gold Medal, and $100 in cash.
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