VANDA International Science Competition

Vanda Overview

Vanda is an International Science Competition held annually around the globe. The exam emphasises on the strong foundation in scientific knowledge and methodology along-with reasoning and analytical skills, decision and problem solving skills, understanding the context to respond. Students should have open and inquiring mind which allows them to explore new territories and learn new things thereby aligning to the 21st century competencies.

AMO Benefits

  • Strong foundation in scientific knowledge.
  • Understanding of context, sharpening critical and creative thinking.

Vanda Exam Structure


Vanda is for students from Primary 3 to JC 2 (Grade 3 to 12). It follows the Singapore School Science Syllabus- Primary 3 to Secondary 2 and Secondary 3 to Secondary 4 focusing on higher order thinking skills.

International local Structure

  • Duration of exam- 90 minutes
  • Each student begins with 10 points

Global Final Structure

  • Primary School
    1. Duration- 60 minutes
    2. Only scientific calculators are allowed during the contest for secondary school/Grade 7 and above students
    3. Each student begins with 5 points

  • Secondary School
    1. Duration- 90 minutes
    2. Only scientific calculators are allowed during the exam
    3. Each student begins with 10 points



Singapore registration

School sign-ups

  • In view of Covid-19 situation, the school is allowed to host VANDA either in school or online and the students can take the competition from home.
  • Minimum 10 students are needed to register for the competition as school candidate.
  • Please click here to download the registration form and email to
  • How to register
    1. School will send the parent invitation letter to the parents for them to register.
    2. The parents will pay directly to school either using cash or EduSave.
    3. Teacher can download the registration form, fill in the student information and upload the form to the Portal at For any issue or unsure on how to upload to the MDP Portal, please drop an email to

Private students

  • Due to Covid-19 Flexibility, VANDA will host PAPER BASE exam for all private candidates.
  • The students can register for the competition from portal.
  • Competition schedule: Contest Pass will be sent to students 1 week before the contest date.
  • Mode of competition: PAPER BASE

Overseas students

Please contact respective country partner for registration details.


Please drop an email at or call at +65 6873 0803 between Monday to Friday from 09:30AM to 06:00PM Singapore time.


  • Perfect Score Award – full marks and qualifies as a significant award for IJHS
  • Gold Award- Top 8% and qualifies as a significant award for IJHS
  • Silver Award- Next 12%
  • Bronze Award- Next 20%
  • Honorable Mention Award- Next 10%
  • Certificate of Participation- Next 50%
  • All participants will receive an e-certificate.
  • The top 40% of the participants will receive a physical certificate and a medal.
  • Students getting full marks will be awarded the title of “Perfect Scorer” and will receive a physical certificate and a personalized medal with their name on it, together with $100 cash each, up to a maximum of $5,000 for all the perfect scorers. If there are more than 50 perfect scorers, the $5000 will be divided among all the perfect scorers.
  • The top 40% of winners are invited to compete in Steam Ahead – VANDA Global Finals.

For further details, please check at


The competition is open to students worldwide who are in grades 3 to 11. Participants are grouped by grade levels to ensure fair competition among peers.

The competition covers a broad range of science topics including:

  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Biology
  • Earth Science
  • General Science

The competition consists of multiple-choice questions that test various aspects of scientific knowledge and reasoning. The questions are designed to be thought-provoking and encourage a deep understanding of scientific concepts.

The competition is typically held annually. The exact date varies each year, so it is important to check the official Vanda Science Competition website for the current year’s schedule.

Participants are awarded based on their performance. Awards can include certificates, medals, and trophies for top performers. High-achieving students may also be recognized in other ways, such as through publications or invitations to further competitions.

For the latest information on registration, competition dates, and preparation resources, visit the official Vanda Science Competition website.

There is usually a registration fee for participating in the competition. Details about the fee and payment process can be found on the official website.

Schools or organizations can register their students through the official Vanda Science Competition website. The registration process typically involves completing an online form and paying the associated fees.

Yes, the Vanda Science Competition is open to students from all around the world. International participation is encouraged to foster a global spirit of scientific inquiry and excellence.

The Vanda Science Competition is usually conducted in English, but additional languages may be available depending on the region and local organizers. Check the official website for language options.

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