CREST Olympiad is the online Olympiad Exam that tests the conceptual understanding of each student. CREST Olympiads are conducted in areas of Science, Mathematics, English, Computer, Reasoning and Spell Bee. CREST exams focuses on practical application of theoretical concepts.
CREST Olympiad Exams Benefits
- Focus on Practical applications
- Enhances logical and reasoning capabilities
- Enhances the standard of literacy among school children
For students of classes 3-10 appearing for CREST English (CEO), CREST Science (CSO) and CREST Mathematics (CMO) exams, and students of classes 2-8 appearing for CREST Spell Bee- Summer (CSB), the awards and recognition is as follows:
- All students, who qualify for the Level 2 exam and secure marks in Level 2 which aren’t in the bottom 10%, will be awarded a merit certificate
- Gold Medal will be given to all students with percentile 96 and above and zonal rank is 10 or less
- Silver Medal will be given to all students with percentile between 93 and 96
- Bronze Medal will be given to all students with percentile between 91 and 93
- Top 3 students from classes 2-10 for CREST Olympiads and from classes 2-8 for CREST Spell Bee will be awarded with Achiever’s Trophy plus Merit certificate
- Every participant will be awarded a digital participation certificate which will be available in the participant’s dashboard.
- If a student meets 2 or more criteria then he/she will be qualifying for a higher award
For students of class 1 appearing in CREST Spell Bee- Summer (CSB), the awards and recognition is as follows:
- These exams are parent/teacher assisted, no ranks will be given to the students. The students who achieve more than 60% marks in the Level 1 exam, will qualify for Level 2. In Level 2 exam, the students who achieve more than 60% marks will be awarded a Merit Certificate plus Medal.
For students of class Prep/KG appearing in CEO, CSO and CMO exams and students of class 1 appearing in CEO, CSO, CMO, CREST Cyber (CCO), CREST Reasoning (CRO) and CREST Spell Bee- Winter (CSBW), the awards and recognition is as follows:
- These exams are parent/teacher assisted, no ranks will be given to the students. Although, the students who achieve more than 60% marks in the exam(s), will be awarded a Merit Certificate plus Medal.
For students appearing for CCO, CRO and CSBW, and students of class 2 appearing in CEO, CSO and CMO exams, the awards and recognition is as follows:
- Merit Certificate for top 15% students
- Honourable mention digital certificate for top 26%-50% students
- Top 10% students will be awarded with a medal plus merit certificate
- Gold Medal will be given to all students with percentile 98 and above and to the students whose zonal rank is 10 or less
- Silver Medal will be given to all students with percentile between 93 and 96
- Bronze Medal will be given to all students with percentile between 91 and 93
- Top 3 students (registered through school) from every school with more than 25 students in a class appearing for an exam will be awarded with a merit certificate
- Overall Top 3 students from classes 2-10 will be awarded with Achiever’s Trophy plus Merit certificate
- Every participant will be awarded a digital participation certificate which will be available in the participant’s dashboard.
- If a student meets 2 or more criteria then he/she will qualify for a higher award
For students of classes 6-12 appearing for CREST IQ Challenge (CIC) and CREST Mathematics Challenge(CMC) exams the awards and recognition is as follows:
- Top 5 students will be awarded Achievers Medal plus Merit Certificate
- Digital copy of Merit Certificate for top 15% students
- Every participant will be awarded a digital participation certificate which will be available in the participant’s dashboard.
- The awards (if eligible) will be shipped to Indian address only.
CREST will not declare and rank for Special Needs Students appearing for various CREST Olympiads exams. These exams are parent/teacher assisted.
The students who achieve more than 70% in the Level 1 exam, will qualify for Level 2. The students scoring more than 90% percentage will get a medal plus certificate and merit certificate if score is more than 70%.
For students appearing for CREST IQ Challenge (CIC) and CREST Mathematics Challenge (CMC), the awards and recognition is as follows:
- Top 5 students will get Achievers Medal plus Merit Certificate issued by CREST Olympiads and IIT Kharagpur Techfest Kshitij 2022
- Top 15% students will get digital copy of Merit Certificate issued by CREST Olympiads and IIT Kharagpur Techfest Kshitij 2022
- All the participants will get digital copies of Participation Certificate issued by CREST Olympiads and IIT Kharagpur Techfest Kshitij 2022
- The awards (if eligible) will be shipped to Indian address only
Ranking Criteria
Ranking Criteria where Single Level Exams is conducted for Students of Classes 2 – 10

Ranking Criteria where Single Level Exams is conducted for Studentsof Classes Prep/KG and 1

Cut-off to Qualify for Level 2 exam

Ranking Criteria for Level 2 Exams

Note: For Special Needs Students appearing for various CREST Olympiads exams, CREST will not be declaring any rankings or percentile. These exams are parent/teacher assisted.
Registration for exam
Points to be considered while registration are as mentioned below. Click here for more details
- Information once submitted can’t be edited.
- Home address should be correct since certificate would be shipped at this address, if applicable.
- School & Student Name should be mentioned as you would like them to appear on the certificate.
- Please mention if you have a referral code of the student who shared information about CREST Olympiads with you else leave it blank.
Important Instructions:
- CREST Olympiads will be conducted online and the students will have to take the exams from their residence or any other place having access to computer with good Internet connectivity. Schools, subscribing to these exams, may decide to conduct the exams using their computer lab. The exam can’t be taken from Mobile device.
- It’s in the best interest of students not to use any unfair means while appearing for the exams. These exams are first step for a much bigger goal to appear for competitive exams that are being conducted online.
- Please check the exam schedule to select the dates. CREST will provide flexibility to select preferred dates for Level 1 exam.
- CREST will provide two (2) practice exams, provided complimentary as per exam schedule mentioned.
- Please read the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- Please make payment only after through the instructions. Fees once paid is non-refundable. For any queries or suggestions, please write to us at
- Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF)
- Indian Talent Olympiad
- Humming Bird
- CREST Olympiads
- Eduheal Foundation
- SilverZone
- Unified Council
- Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education (HBCSE) Olympiad
- International Assessments for Indian Schools (IAIS)
- Southeast Asian Mathematics Olympiad (SEAMO)
- Indian School Talent Search Exam (ISTSE)
- International Mathematics Olympiad Competition of Southeast Asia (IMOCSEA)
- Singapore & Asian Schools Math Olympiad (SASMO)
- Unicus Olympiads
- Singapore Math Competition (SINGA)
- International Junior Math Olympiad (IJMO)
- American Math Olympiad (AMO)
- Singapore International Math Olympiad Challenge (SIMOC)