International Junior Math Olympiad (IJMO)

IJMO Overview

The International Junior Math Olympiad (IJMO) is an international mathematics competition which is held annually in different countries across Asia. IJMO is organised by SIMCC in collaboration with the National Math Societies in Asian countries to identify and encourage potential young math talents in every SIMCC participating country.

Students who are getting Gold and Silver awards only in SASMO and AMO from each country will be eligible to participate in IJMO to represent their country. IJMO aims to provide a Global platform for students to interact and compete against each other.

IJMO focus on the fundamentals to enhance conceptual understanding and logical thinking skills beyond Grade-level of the students. This allow them to better apply higher level logical and analytical skills to solve challenging Math Olympiad problems. Questions in IJMO are carefully crafted to test and develop every student’s higher level of conceptual understanding and logical thinking skills.

Test Format

Competition papers for each level (grade 2 to grade 11) contains 30 questions:

  • Section A: Questions 1 to 10 are worth 2 points each
  • Section B: Questions 11 to 20 are worth 3 points each
  • Section C: Questions 21 to 30 are worth 5 points each
  • Duration: 90 minutes


Students who win Perfect Score, Gold or Silver awards in IJMO and SIMOC will gain points to be admitted into IJHS and YALA.

Registration process is as below:

  • For Singapore candidates to register for the contest, IJMO will send the email to the school. The students can also email us at
  • For other country candidates, please refer to respective country partners.


The top 20 students who win both VANDA Science Global Finals and IJMO Gold medals will be awarded the President’s Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science (PAEMS). These students will be awarded a PAEMS Gold medal, certificate and US$100 plus get inducted into the International Junior Honor Society (IJHS) and win a full scholarship to attend the Young Achievers Leadership Academy (YALA)

For further details, please refer

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