EduHeal Foundation (EHF) is a registered NGO promoted by leading educationists and is actively engaged in searching talented school students.
McKinsey report sums up the GO GLOBAL initiative of EHF emphasising the need for training camps for international contests with more than 60 prizes of minimumUS$ 250 million. EHF is the official Indian partner of Google and spearheading the Google Science Fair initiative into Indian schools. EHF has partnered with Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) Institute for promoting financial literacy.
EHF Exams Benefits
- Global exposure through International Olympiad training camps and mentoring by scientists from I.I.T. Delhi.
- Provides platform to interact with top educationists globally.
- Workshops by eminent persons, including on financial literacy by Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) Institute.
- Promoting project based learning
Awards for students
- Award of Rs 1,00,000.00 to the overall best performing student in Maths, Science & English
- International Level- Level 2: Math, Science and English Olympiad

- International Level- Level 1: Space, IIT-NEET, Cyber, Sports, Biotech, Art, General Knowledge

- National Level- Level 1 (Zonewise): Math, Science, GK and English Olympiad

- School Level
- Participation certificate for all successful participants obtaining a rank.
- Understanding of Subject report for every student obtaining a rank.
- Medal for school top 3 rankers in each class with more than 8 successful participants
- All school topper will get Gold medal
- Special award for paid participation in 5 or more EHF Olympiad.
- Special award for school topper scoring 100% in Math/Science/English/GK Olympiad
- All school toppers (scoring more than 40% marks in Math/Science/English) will be selected for level 2.
Awards for Principal and Teachers
- International Level- 50 best Principal awards and best teachers award
- For Principal- Rs 25,000 + Memento
- For Teachers- Rs 10,000 + Memento
- National Level- 100 best Principal awards and best teachers award
- For Principal- Rs 10,000 + Memento
- For Teachers- Rs 5,000 + Memento
- District Level- 200 best Principal awards and best teachers award
- For Principal- Rs 2,500 + Memento
- For Teachers- Rs 1,000 + Memento
Level 3
- BIFO (Level 3): Award by Bombay Stock Exchange (BSEI) (
- Principal (4 number)- Rs 25,000 + memento + to &fro (2nd AC)
- Teacher (6 number)- Rs 12,000 + memento + to &fro (3rd AC)
- Students (12 number)- Rs 6,000 to RS 10,000 (based on rank) + certificate + to &fro (Sleeper Class)
- Regional Coordinators (6 numbers)- Rs 10,000 + memento + to &fro (3rd AC)
- Google Science Fair (classes 7 to 12)
- Harvard – MIT Maths Tournament (Classes 11-12)
Important Instructions
- Registration forms have parts- A, B, C & D for school and students which is enclosed alongwith book order form. Parent consent forms (E) is also enclosed in registration form. All participating students must submit the parent consent form duly signed by the parent along with registration form.
- For registration query please contact EHF National coordinator on 9811370229, 011-26161014 or through email: or write to EHF Learning Centre, 35A, Mohamadpur, Near Bhikaji Metro Station, New Delhi-110066
- Please ensure that all the registration forms (marked A/B/C/D/E) reach EHF on or before the closing date. If there is delay or not able to post all the documents before the closing date due to any reason then e-mail the Registration Forms to the foundation. One can also register Online.
- The payment along with completed registration form have to be sent directly to the EHF New Delhi office by the School.
- Exam Venue will be your school. Only subject section will be based on the curriculum.
- EHF Olympiads are objective test and will be conducted during school hours.
- Each right answer will get one mark and there is no negative marking.
- If there is tie, following preference with respect to the marking will be followed.
- Subject questions, after that General IQ and finally Interactive questions.
- If the tie-up persists other parameters including teleinterview will be followed.
- Information about level 2 & level 3 will be communicatedthrough official email and phone number (by SMS of the coordinator teacher/school) provided by the school.
- No printed result/admit cards will be sent to the student, both are (available online for students.
- Printed copy of the result and other information will be sent to the school only.Selected students or their parents must contact their school, or visit EHF website for result.
- School toppers of Math/Science/English will qualify for level 2 exam.
- Students qualifying for level 3 will be as per eligibility criteria of the various international competitions including ongoing sponsorship available for the given year.
- If there is no school centre or incase of external centre, students selected for level 2 online exam need to travel to the nearest designated computer testing centre. All the expenses will be borne by student. The school may also be designated as online exam centre if school has the necessary infrastructure to conduct online exam.
- Payment method
- Either Cheque or Demand Draft should be made in favour of EHF Learning Media (P) Ltd. payable at New Delhi. Only at par cheques are acceptable.
- Online payment (Bank Transfers) can be done to EHF HDFC Bank A/c No: 50200004458546 (EHF Learning Media Pvt. Ltd) BhikajiCama Place, Delhi, IFSC/NEFT HDFC00678.
- Kindly Confirm by e-mail/SMS/Telephone after making bank payment. Call Eduheal National Coordinator–011-2616014 or e-mail : in advance about the number of students from each class before the date of registration so that the students get preparatory books on time.
- Retest is not possible. There will be different papers on each exam dates. Unique Paper will be generated for each student taking online exam.
- Students are required to fill the OMR correctly as wrongly filled OMR results in result distortion/delay.
- EHF will not be responsible in case of OMR mismatch. The school should send the OMR sheet along with the attendance sheet to EHF for evaluation immediately after the exam.
- Level 2- Eligibility criteria
- Top 5% to 15% of Level 1 scorers,
- Top 25 rank holders from each zone based on zone classification – NEWSC,
- Class toppers (provided a minimum of 8 students appear in Level 1 exam & scored 40% or more.
- National Interactive Math Olympiad (NIMO)
- National Interactive Science Olympiad (NISO)
- International English Olympiad (IEO)
- International General Knowledge Olympiad (IGO)
- International Cyber Olympiad (ICO)
- National Space Science Olympiad (NSSO)
- National Biotechnology Olympiad (NBTO)
- Art Clinic Contest (ACC)
- National IIT-NEET Olympiad (NINO)
- Business & International Finance Olympiad (BIFO)
- Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF)
- Indian Talent Olympiad
- Humming Bird
- CREST Olympiads
- Eduheal Foundation
- SilverZone
- Unified Council
- Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education (HBCSE) Olympiad
- International Assessments for Indian Schools (IAIS)
- Southeast Asian Mathematics Olympiad (SEAMO)
- Indian School Talent Search Exam (ISTSE)
- International Mathematics Olympiad Competition of Southeast Asia (IMOCSEA)
- Singapore & Asian Schools Math Olympiad (SASMO)
- Unicus Olympiads
- Singapore Math Competition (SINGA)
- International Junior Math Olympiad (IJMO)
- American Math Olympiad (AMO)
- Singapore International Math Olympiad Challenge (SIMOC)