English International Olympiad (EIO)
English is one of the most important school subject for students. English International Olympiad (EIO) exam aims to improve English spellings, grammar, sentence structure and master student’s language skills. Learning language is a never-ending process.
The aim of the English Olympiad exam is to enhance the skills of the student by familiarizing with the basic important concepts. Therefore, Indian Talent Olympiad exam exposes the students at national and international level exams. Students from various schools across the country can participate in this exam. The test comprises the knowledge, proficiency and competence in English language. Students from class 1 to 10 can participate in this exam. This exam has two levels.
Students studying in class 1 to 10 CBSE/ICSE/State Board or any other recognized board All over India.
English Annual Olympiad and Monthly Olympiad
Indian Talent Olympiad has been organized annually and monthly for class 1 to 10 students.
Annual Olympiad
- Annual Olympiads are organized once a year and has two rounds
- Duration of exam- 45 min for all classes
- Questions in the exam
- Class 1 to 4- 35
- Class 5 to 10- 50
Monthly Olympiad
- Monthly Olympiad is organized every month and is a single round exam.Â
- Duration of exam- 25 min for all classes
- Questions in the exam- 30 questions for all classes
- Class 1 to 4- 35 questions
- Class 5 to 10- 50 questions
Marking scheme is as below

For more details, Please visit the link https://www.indiantalent.org/english-international-olympiad or contact Indian Online School at +91-7993461226
Indian Talent Olympiad
- International Mathematics Olympiad (IMO)
- International Science Olympiad (ISO)
- English International Olympiad (EIO)
- General Knowledge International Olympiad (GKIO)
- International Drawing Olympiad (IDO)
- National Essay Olympiad (NESO)
- International Computer Olympiad (ICO)
- National Social Studies Olympiad (NSSO)