International Computer Olympiad (ICO)
In today’s time, students are more tech-savvy as compared to those of the previous times. International Computer Olympiad (ICO) is one of the most interesting exams of the computer science. Students from class 1 to class 10 can participate in ICO. It is also been referred as Computer Olympiad exams under different names such as Cyber Olympiad, Informatics Olympiad, and Digital Olympiad.
The objective of this exam is to train young minds and prepare them for the future as world is turning digital, thus giving rise to such exams.
Participation in Olympiad exams is possible only from the school. It is conducted at International level and has level 1 only.
Students studying in class 1 to 10 CBSE/ICSE/State Board or any other recognized board All over India.
Computer Annual OlympiadÂ
- Annual Olympiads are conducted once a year and has two rounds
- Duration of exam- 45 min for all classes
- Questions in the exam
- Class 1 to 4- 35
- Class 5 to 10- 50
Marking scheme is as below

For more details, Please visit the link or contact Indian Online School at +91-7993461226
Indian Talent Olympiad
- International Mathematics Olympiad (IMO)
- International Science Olympiad (ISO)
- English International Olympiad (EIO)
- General Knowledge International Olympiad (GKIO)
- International Drawing Olympiad (IDO)
- National Essay Olympiad (NESO)
- International Computer Olympiad (ICO)
- National Social Studies Olympiad (NSSO)